Our School Curriculum
What will my child learn in school?
At Viewley Hill we believe our curriculum promotes high standards in learning and personal development. It is based on the 2014 national curriculum which you can access via this link:
Our curriculum coverage and content is carefully planned to ensure it provides all our children need to be ready for the next stage of their education as learners and as confident and happy individuals.
Our curriculum is designed to help the children make links to prior and future learning. Children’s wider curriculum learning engages them in asking and answering questions that have a distinct subject focus. Where possible, purposeful links to relevant subjects help to enhance the context of the learning.
At Viewley Hill Academy, we want to encourage our children to be curious and ask questions about the world around them. We help to build social and cultural capital by ensuring diversity is at the heart of our wider curriculum offer and we tailor our provision to give our pupils a broad and rich experience of the world. Lessons reflect and revisit prior learning, engage children in new learning and check-in on understanding with questions and quizzes.
Our Aims
Our Curriculum has been created around 3 key aims:
- Breadth of study – a range of studies across the National Curriculum, giving children a wide and varied general knowledge as well as developing key skills in the core areas of Reading, Writing and Maths.
- Depth of study – conceptual knowledge, skills and understanding developed in subject areas.
- Cultural Capital – experiences and opportunities to learn about the wider world.
These 3 broad aims help children build a secure understanding of the world around them, transfer their knowledge and remember key information. We also invest in our children’s positive self-esteem and relationship-building through our comprehensive RHE and PSHE curricula, which form an integral part of our wider curriculum offer. In this way, we aim for our children to develop a deep sense of belonging within our school family and our community.
Our Approach
Reading, Writing and Maths are the keystones of our curriculum. We take every opportunity to encourage Reading throughout the curriculum; to maintain it as a whole school priority and to encourage parental engagement in reading at home. Skills in these areas are crucial in enabling children to access the curriculum and we ensure that children are given frequent opportunities to develop independent, critical thinking skills.
The wider curriculum offer is delivered through overarching questions, which provoke thought and discussion, leading to children’s own questions about their learning. We encourage the acquisition of new language throughout the curriculum to build vocabulary and enable our pupils to become more accomplished in expressing themselves. Learning consistently builds on prior knowledge and in this way, we aim for learning to have shape and context, meaning children will know more, remember more and be able to do more as they progress through school.
Please use this link to view our school curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2.