School Meals
School Meals
Middlesbrough Council provides the catering at Viewley Hill Academy and the meals are excellent! The menu is varied with plenty of choice and we offer hot and cold meals daily. Meals cost £2.40 a day £12.00 per week and payment for school meals must be made on a Monday morning.
Many of our older pupils help out over lunchtime as the ‘Dinner Squad’ helping younger pupils with cutting up food, clearing trays, pouring drinks and helping the lunchtime staff. Each class has a ‘Family Friday’ lunch when a member of the family is invited to come and join them for lunch in school.
Under the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can have a free school meal each day.
If you think you are entitled to free school meals please speak to a member of the office team who can help you with this.
It is important that you register for free school meals even if you choose to provide a lunch for your child yourself as the academy receives extra funding based on the percentage of free school meals in school.