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Viewley Bulletin

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Transition day 2018

July 6, 2018
Transition Day at Viewley Hill Academy. Meet the new teacher, make new friends, take a class photo, make your bookmark for the year and write a letter to your future self. Set your aspirations high! [envira-gallery id="3948"]

Reception visit Egypt

June 29, 2018
Around the World Day at Viewley Hill! Reception visited Egypt. They boarded the flight with their passports, painted the Eye of Horus, practised walking like an Egyptian... and it just wouldn't be the same without making someone into a mummy![envira-gallery id="3942"]

Y1-2 Harvesting Honey

June 29, 2018
Y1-2 were learning about minibeasts.  This week was honey week, and they learnt all about beekeeping.  They tried on the bee suit, took the hive apart, spun the extractor and best of all... Tried the honey![envira-gallery id="3934"]

Year Five investigate Centripetal Force

June 20, 2018
[envira-gallery id="3911"] There's only one way to investigate Centripetal Force... Grab the bucket and SWIIIIING!

Year Six – Blood Heart!

June 20, 2018
[envira-gallery id="3906"] The new topic in Y6 was "Blood Heart".  There was an ox's heart hidden in a special box in the room, which the children had to find.  They then wore gloves and handled the heart to generate questions such as, what are the different tubes for?  Why is it so heavy?  Why is there so much fat? What different colours are there? The expressions on the faces say it all!

Reception release the butterflies.

May 21, 2018
They had grown fat in their pot... They had spun their cocoons... They metamorphosed... They emerged! It was time to set them free into the sunshine and fresh air.[envira-gallery id="3852"]

Year 6 at Clip ‘n’ Climb

May 21, 2018
SATs were finished.  Then there were columns to be climbed, ropes and harnesses to strap on, there were some sheer faces to ascend.  Year 6 don't look doooown![envira-gallery id="3858"]

Year Five at York Dungeons

May 3, 2018
It was a great trip to York Dungeons to launch the new theme of Pestilence.  Even Miss Shadforth's nerves of steel were tested.  Scary stuff![envira-gallery id="3844"]

Hola Mexico, Year Six!

March 28, 2018
Year 6 learnt all about Mexico as part of their topic "Hola Mexico!".  What better way to round off the learning than with guacamole, salsa and mojito mocktails.  Hola hola comida sabrosa! [envira-gallery id="3807"]

Year 5 create Fruit Art

March 21, 2018
The theme in Year Five was "Allotment" so everyone made fruit-art in the style of Guiseppe Archimboldo.  Check out the Broccoli hair-do! [envira-gallery id="3786"]

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Raising Aspirations
Lingfield Trust
Youth Sport Trust